

FamilySearch is a genealogy of the largest in the world since 1894 FamilySearch works with archives, libraries and churches in more than 100 countries to facilitate access to records help people find their ancestors by. not cost much

Every month there are more than 3 million people use FamilySearch records of resources and services to learn more about their family history. Save and these services are available online at FamilySearch.org or through family history centers in 126 countries, including 4,600 centers, libraries, family history and famous in Salt Lake City Utah.

FamilySearch is a service of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-prepared. The obligation to help people connect with ancestral roots in the faith of the Mormons that the family is the center of our lives and family relationships to continue after this life. Because interest is not limited to family history, culture, race or religion FamilySearch resources is beneficial to all who wish to find out more about your family and ancestors by the records of the Church in Europe to the historic tradition that originated in Africa.

FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization. She relies on the help of volunteers around the world. These volunteers help index records. Personal Assistance And share knowledge about researching genealogy.

FamilySearch provides personal assistance for both family history, experience, and people just started doing genealogy. You can get such assistance through the Family History Center or contact FamilySearch Support at 1-800-406-1830 or support@familysearch.org. In the US and Canada Click here to view the contact phone numbers in other countries and regions.

หมายเหตุแนวทางการเขียน:เมื่อรายงานเกี่ยวกับศาสนจักรของพระเยซูคริสต์แห่งวิสุทธิชนยุคสุดท้าย โปรดใช้ชื่อเต็มของศาสนจักรในการอ้างถึงครั้งแรก ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการใช้ชื่อของศาสนจักร ไปที่ออนไลน์แนวทางการเขียน.